

Homewreckers, do any of you know what that is?..someone who gets between in your relationships.

okay, i don't know if I'm thinking "too much" or whatever, I'm a girl who do get jealous easily, but i don't easily show it. So..."HOMEGIRL"!?!? REALLY?..man you're always hanging out with your "homegirl" ..wtf is a "homegirl"!?!?.."best friends who cant have a relationship with"? is that what it is? I know you told me, oh yea you like her too, and she likes you too, you both think each other is attractive, and youre both attracted to each other, she calls you "boo" and stuff, but you guys can't be together cuz you said she still thinks she could work it out with her ex-boothang.. -__- what?... IN MY MIND, THATS AN EXCUSE MAN...and you also said "yea, she can fuck with me if i want to too"...WOOOOOOOOW REALLY!??! WTF? lolol and so you come to me, cuz you can't be with her? lololol man thats really a joke, DO I LOOK LIKE A BACK-UP TO EVERYONE!?!? i'm getting REALLY TIRED OF THIS. so just FUCK OFF, AND GO BACK WITH YOUR OLD LIFE AND GET WITH HER IF YOU GET JEALOUS OF HER HANGING OUT WITH OTHER GUY AND SHE GETS MAD AT YOU FOR JUST HANGING OUT WITH ME. SERIOUSLY. THIS IS MESSED UP MAN.