
I'm just a simple girl...

I'm just a simple girl who wants to be loved, and friendships. I have a very fragile heart, and can get sad easily, i admit, i'm not strong. I am a very forgiving person. All you need to say is say a simple word "sorry" then i'll forgive you, because i believe in second chances, i believe you'll fix your mistake, i will never give up on you, even if you don't fix your mistake, i'm sure one day you will, so i keep giving you chances. HOWEVER, if i keep giving you chances and YOU keep pushing me away and ignore those chances and continue to take me for granted, YOU'RE DONE. i LOVE giving surprises to my friends and tell them everyday that i love them and miss them, and i'm not just saying it cuz i want to, i say it cuz deep in my heart i REALLY love my friends and miss them to DEATH! they are everything to me, AND super important like a family. My friends ARE my family. and i also dont expect things in return from them, i don't expect them to say "i love you" to me or "i miss you" to me, because i love surprises, it's just expecting things in return....isn't that special, you know what i mean? it's like making them say it, like it's not from their heart, they just say it cuz you said it to them. But if you really shows that its from your heart and give me something back in return, i'll be so happy :D

so...one more story, i REALLY hate it when people lie, it REALLY hurts me, it's like taking a knife and stab my hearts, and continuously stabbing it over and over again...especially when you say "oh i just don't want to be in a relationship" then later the next few days you go and get a girlfriend....WHAT? really?? seriously??? you know who you are,...-____- i'm so disappointed in you, i'm done with you, no more. and another guy, I JUST DON'T GET YOU, what the HELL do you want with me? you go and tell me that "you're just REALLY special to me" and keep telling me to go over to your house....but you NEVER give anything to me, you never say to me like "ohhhh i gott youuuuu somethinggg :))" but you always do it to every girls LOL seriously, i finally know why so many girls likes you, cuz you say these stuff to make them think you like them, because in their mind they say like "oh this guy must like me, hes like flirting so much" ...TRUST ME, i'm one of them. but not anymore cuz i DONT GIVE A DAMN SHIT ABOUT IT! gaaawwwddd i dont get why i have SUCH a bad luck with guys....its either THERES A BUNCH OF GUYS COME TO ME and i have to choose one, but i dont wanna just choose just one...or there no guys come to me at all...WTF? i just learned one thing yesterday from a fortune cookie "if you chase two rabbits, both will escape." meaning....if you dont make up your mind and wants to keep all, you'll loose all of them at the end :/ ............and i used to think that guys are so self centered, and only think about themselves, don't care about girls feelings, treating them like their bitch.......but i learned there are still some soft-hearted guy exist :)) and not all guys are assholes..so i'm trying to keep my hopes up, hoping theres a mr. right coming to me :D

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