
My 19th~ and my little boy.

First of all, thanks EVERYONE for coming :] i was REALLY happy when i see you guys, it just reminds me back in the days in high school where i can see all my friends. but even tho i know some of you cannot make it, but it's okay. THERE'S still time :] and i realized i havent been blogging for a long time. sorry. i did not have time to do it, i've been feeling eeither sad or just dont feel good or sick. i've been getting yucky germs this past month.

  • haha. so on to the "sad/pissed/mad" part...lol sorry cindy i was gonna tell you that day, but ehh i cant say it in person cuz i'll cuss the WHOLE time!!! cuz it makes me SOO MAD!! so here it is: So WHO KNOWS THIS GUY CAN BE SO KIDDY!! he always have to pick a fight with me, doesnt matter how STUPID it is! i ALWAYS have to say sorry, even tho hes wrong. and i dont mind saying sorry cuz i told myself..would i rather wait until he say hes sorry which takes him FOREVER to realize hes wrong and he wont talk to me. OR would i rather say SORRY and he'll talk to me again?...and i know we had our "little" break EVERY TIME!! its almost like every single day when we talk we'll always end up fighting and arguing....DUDE WHY!?!? WHAT.THE.HELL!?!?!? and this guy...or should i say LITTLE BOY, LOVES KEROPPI ....AND APPARENTLY......MORE THAN HIS GIRLFRIEND!! DUDE WHATTHEFUCCCKKK?? so heres the story of our "little" fight.

  • we were talking like always...and he wanted to take me out that day, but i cant go out!! cuz according to my dad, i went out too much these days, so he wants me to stay home that day. then he start getting all like "WHAT.THE.HELL!! YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ME".....dude CHILL OUT! I HAVE FUCKING SCHOOL! AND YOU DONT, SO I HAVE TO STUDY AND HOMEWORKING!! -___- and HE IS ALWAYS QUIET when we go out..like i gotta keep talking and talking. and i am TIRED OF IT! i've been holding it for a long time!!! its been 4 FUHREAKIN MONTHS! if you're shy...then WHAT.THE.HECK!! 4 MONTHS and still shy!? its not the first time we went out together wtf!?. and so i couldnt hold it in anymore and told him and ask him why hes always so quiet. and he CHANGED THE SUBJECT guess what he says?! "keroppi watch?? :]" ........okay dude WHAT.THE.HECK!? DONT CHANGE THE FUCKING SUBJECT!! so i was like ...what? dont TRY TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT..and hes like awww you dont have it?...-______- then i was like YES I HAVE IT, ANSWER ME THEN I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU. then he finally answer why hes always so "quiet" when he go out w/ me...and guess what? its the MOST lamest answer i've ever heard!! i was just like wtf? after he told me. and the "keroppi watch" ..

  • .(another story): so you guys all know that few months ago mcdonalds have like those sanrio watches. yep. he WANTED the keroppi one, but couldnt get it, cuz they ran out. so i've been helping him to get one! and apparently my SISTER had one. so i beg my sister can i have it. but shes keeping it, then i decided to wait, cuz she obviously cant keep it FOREVER and will eventually give it to me. and i was waiting for a loonnggg time, she finally gave it to me. :]

  • and now back to that story: after he told me why hes always quiet, hes like SO...KEROPPI WATCH? HEHEHE YOU GONNA GIVE IT TO ME NOW!?...and i was like. no. i'm keeping it for now. and HE start going all "bleeehhhh" on me. and he got MAD! and i was like ok what.the.hell!? do you REALLY want that MORE than anything!?!? and hes like YES!! DUHHH OF COURSE! and i was like LOL yea i bet even more than me? and hes like YES KEROPPI IS MY WIFE!........-______-okay, little boy, keroppi is a dude. cant be your wife! ...and i like keroppi too!! why cant i keep it for now, then i'll give it to you later!! sheeesh he just cant wait!!! then hes like FINE I'LL BUY IT OFF ON EBAY, I WAS GONNA GET IT BEFORE, BUT I HAD TO WAIT FOR YOU -___- "had to?" no one told you to wait..... -__- okaayy sorry guys if you get confused between the story, but yea you get the point, we always have our own little STUPID fight!...

  • and another thing about this little boy....keep in mind, hes 21! and act younger than me -__-, and he also likes to turn things around on me. like i can NEVER get mad at him, i'm apparently "not allowed" ...-__- and when I'M actually mad and pissed at him, he goes like "WHATTHEFUCK!? WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME, I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG" and HE ended up being mad at me, and i'm the "not mad" one....and i ended up have to say sorry. man i just think being single has more....happiness? and WHO CARES if you cant or are not able to share your "happiness" to your loved ones, you can share it to your FRIENDS!!

  • ...so shout out to all the single people out there. BEING SINGLE IS THE HAPPIEST THING ON EARTH!!! too much stress to be in a relationship. sometimes i wanna get out of it. like sometimes he makes me wanna STRANGLE HIM AND KILL HIM!! ughh!!

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