
i am back.

yes. i'm back and now i will blog EVERY single day!! I've been feeling down lately ever since i watched that wongfu video about "strangers again" ...it made me think alot. so much. and i cried when watching it too. because the video can related to everyone when they're in a relationship, there are many stages, the first will always be happy and so much love, then it slowly begin to fade away and do your own things. and in between, you will always have your fight. Anyways thats not the reason why i was feeling down....COINCIDENTLY his name is "Josh" too!!! and it just made me cry even HARDER!! cuz he and i do always fight alot, most of you know and i told you guys before, sometimes we never had a normal conversation with out arguing with each other and we never break up, we just ignore each other for a while and take a break. And that day, he watched it too, and he went online and showed me the video and hes like watch it. and i was like i already did. then he was silent for at least 20 mins. and he finally say something, "lets not fight anymore, i dont want us to be like this" ...from that moment i dont know if i'm suppose to be happy or sad..then he went on saying "i've had this happen to me alot, and i dont want it to happen again, and it sometimes made me think that i shouldnt get a gf" then i was sad and did not talk at all, because he went on talking about his ex. Then he keep texting me to ask if i were okay, i didnt tell him whats wrong i just told him not to worry about it. and hes like "its because of what i said right?..i'm sorry, i've over it already" :] well anyways...i know this doesnt make sense LOOL I'M not making any sense now, i'm falling asleep from doing all those math homeworks LOL ahhhh!!! so blogging is my break time :] hehe

and another story that bothers me the most...and it also related to this.
sorry i havent been telling you guys about whats happening at school. recently theres this guy in my math class...he ALWAYS talks to me, and he would ALWAYS text me like 24/7, i'm not even kidding, its like he doesnt even sleep!!! and he told me he likes me, he knows that i have a boyfriend, cuz i always talk about him, and he said he doesn't care!! o.O what does that mean?!!?!? and to be honest, i think i'm slowly starting to fall for him too...ahhhhhh what the heckkk am i doing!?!? i dont cheat, and never plan to cheat and never want to. but i really don't know what to do. i didnt tell you guys earlier cuz i didnt want you guys to think i'm a cheater, i'm really not!! but i feel like what i'm doing is wrong, cuz the way he talks, it makes me want to flirt, its tempting me to flirt with him, cuz hes a sweet guy!!! to be honest, the SWEETEST GUY i've ever met, and the nicest too. and he actually cares about me EVEN more than my boyfriend~!! and i really dont wanna hurt them both :[ what should i do?!!?

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