
Why am i trying so hard?

Guys, i know how many times you guys told me to FORGET ABOUT THAT JERK!! FORGET ABOUT THAT ASSHOLE. and "i don't know why you're still with him, just DUMP HIM ALREADY, YOU DONT DESERVED TO BE TREATED THIS WAY, I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU SEE IN HIM"
guys, relax, calm down
i know i dont deserves to be treated this way
and i know you guys care for me
and dont want me to get hurt again
trust me,
i believe in him
i know this is worth it
i'm not saying i don't listen to you guys,
i do
i appreciate that you guys care and want me to be happy
and everytime i tell you about him only like 1 out of 10 times are happy LOL
i know that.
but you gotta trust me
i know and i feel that this will be a happy ending
i believe in him and i wont regret a thing :)
i wont regret waiting this long
thanks, I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!
what would i do without you guys!!!!
even though he does not make time for me like you guys, i'll still love him as much
you guys always say to him, me and him are lust not love...
i know how he feels, and i'm sure he does love, just probably not as much as i love him
but i know he does.
so just trust me, i'll be fine.

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