
My boy~

-you always make me sad

-you never say "i love you"

-you dont show your feelings that well

-you always say you'll do anything to make me happy

-sometimes i feel like do YOU even love me?


-you can be the sweetest guy in the whole world!! even though its rare to see you say sweet stuff. but when you do it, it brightened up my whole world and it can last forever!!

-when im sad, just a simple "i love you more" from you will instantly change me into happy hyper mode.

-even though you dont show that you love me, i can feel that you really care deeply inside.

-you DO love me, and i can see that you do when you tell me "sometimes i dont want you to be my gf, because i want to keep you forever and gf/bf don't last"

-your "rawr" means i love you :]

and to my friends: i just want you guys to know, i'll always be there for you. a little song for you hehehe, i will make a cover of it!! :] once i learn it...gimme 3 days

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