
Dream High

i totally recommend this korean drama, DREAM HIGH!! i love it so much. The story touches me and its very heart felt and inspiring. because it teaches you lessons and motivate you to chase your dream :]

and this quote from it touches me:

“Sometimes when you feel people are moving on faster and better than you whether its career or relationships. Remember than by moving slower it means you can see much more around you and understand your surroundings better than those who rush ahead"

and it’s about 6 musically talented students who enter a Performing Arts school hoping to chase their dreams and debut as successful singers. :] i hope you guys watches it during your free time, SUMMER!!! :] and enjoy


Is this the end?

I've been thinking alot lately.. will we be together FOREVER? like our WHOLE life? i don't know, at first i thought it would be yes, but now, i don't really know anymore. You do know that i'm a jealous type and i tend to get jealous really easily...and your fb status yesterday made me so pissed, and i didn't know what to do. Some of me want to hold on to you tighter, some of me say.. 算了...karen, 放手啦.


I know some of you will think i'm immature for thinking about this too much, or i'm overthinking. I know what i'm doing and i maybe be "immature" but thats just how i am, no one is gonna change that, YOU'RE not gonna change that.

and i realize having a boyfriend isnt that great at all, you will feel hurt ....almost everyday. and youre life will be MORE like a roller coaster. Some day you'll be so happy and love him more and more everyday, like when you go out, it's the BEST day of your life. And you can not go on a day without missing him. and some day, you will feel mad/pissed/sad when you see him.


typical sunday~

It's sundayyy!!! and its a boring day for me. haha. sunday is my boring stay home day :] so what do you guys usually do on a sunday? :] are you all ready for another week of school? i'm not HAHAHA well to you all high schooler, THE LAST WEEK FOR YOU GUYS!!! hehe excited?..well make it last and be happy and cherish your LAST WEEK IN HIGH SCHOOL!! cuz you're all gonna miss it!! and of course I MISS it! and i hope i will be able to go to your graduation :] hehe and i will miss you guys when you go to college!!! CINDY LEE!! :] we DEFINITELY need to hang out before college. and ....CHARLES!! -___- we need to make another plan, THIS TIME, DONT CANCEL IT!!! :[



soo...lets talk about child memories :] hehe, i know EVERYONE, as a child, they like to go shopping at TOYS R US!!! and i remember me asking my dad..."why is the 'R' backward?" LOL!! then i start writing my 'R' backward, and got yelled at -__- ahahahaha.

hmm speaking of TOYS R US...the one on GALE is closingg!! and moving to puente hills!! and so my dad said lets go shopping there to see whats on sale. To be honest, i havent been in there for YEARS!!!....DECADE!!...FOREVER!! so when i went in there, i had this feelings...a feeling of home, a warm feeling that i havent felt for a long long time. i miss it. and i was having a bad day that day too, but somehow, going in that store, my bad feelings just went away and replaced with happiness and joy. It reminds me how much i love TOYS R US!!! and i took alot of pictures hehe...


My boy~

-you always make me sad

-you never say "i love you"

-you dont show your feelings that well

-you always say you'll do anything to make me happy

-sometimes i feel like do YOU even love me?


-you can be the sweetest guy in the whole world!! even though its rare to see you say sweet stuff. but when you do it, it brightened up my whole world and it can last forever!!

-when im sad, just a simple "i love you more" from you will instantly change me into happy hyper mode.

-even though you dont show that you love me, i can feel that you really care deeply inside.

-you DO love me, and i can see that you do when you tell me "sometimes i dont want you to be my gf, because i want to keep you forever and gf/bf don't last"

-your "rawr" means i love you :]

and to my friends: i just want you guys to know, i'll always be there for you. a little song for you hehehe, i will make a cover of it!! :] once i learn it...gimme 3 days