

i made a tumblr!! follow me please http://​theteddyhouse.tumblr.​com

cuz i'm bored..

hehe i thought this was cute!!


WOW WHAT IF someone chase you in your house and youre trying to get out!?!? LOL haha

and NOW!! MY BLOG OFFICIALLY LOOKS LIKE A TUMBLR!! hehehe im too lazy to get one, so im sticking with a blogger! :D


i wanna be able to go in too HAHAHA :P


this is so true..

If a girl is stupid enough to LOVE you after you broke her heart for so many times, and she comes back, i guarantee you, SHE'S THE ONE! Don't ever let her go.

.__. what bothers me the most.

Sometimes you can’t be there for everyone. Remember that. You have a life and you’re not obligated to make a friend happy. It’s actually selfish of them. You can be there for them, but if they’re always EXPECTING you to listen to their BS, what kinda friendship is that? Usually those are the people that won’t listen to you when you need a shoulder to cry on, by the way. So don’t feel bad if they get mad at you & say “you’re a bad friend, you’re never there for me.” UH NO. I always been there for you. You just got to the point where all you ever want to talk about is yourself & never took a second out of your life to ask about me.

and for YOU!! you jerk, WHY do you always have to make my life so fkin hard?? i swear to god you'll never find someone like me again, i've hold it in for SOOOOOO LONG now, and i still havent erupt like a volcano on you. I dont know why you're always like this, you say something, and i say something, then somehow or someway i "pissed" you off and you got mad and say "FINE. WHATEVER NVM" , uh what? what did i do? I DON'T FREAKIN KNOW!! so i think and think and think, ITS CUZ I DONT DO THE WAY YOU WANT ME TO? OR I DIDNT SAY WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY? GAWD BOY. look, you dont tell me what to say, i control myself, you dont control myself, so dont expect me to do everything the way you want it to, NOT everything end up as you planned, NEVER have that happen to anyone, maybe the most its just like 80%, but NEVER 100%.

excuse my grammar.


It’s like once you feel everything is going good, something suddenly brings you down. Knowing myself, I’ll be in denial for the longest time. I keep acting like nothings wrong and I think that as long as I keep playing it off, things will eventually go back to normal. But during this whole process, I’m getting tired. Then I start to forget what I’m fighting and holding on to. It gets so tiring and frustrating I end up asking myself “why fight for something that’s not meant for me?”

But I hate losing. I’ll keep trying till I’m completely out of energy. Well, at this point…I AM REALLY TIRED of trying. I’ll let go now. Sometimes letting go is the best thing you can do for yourself.

WOOOW COOL! i want one!!

this is a fridge, you put your shit in the gel and it keeps it cool, than you just reach in and take it out. the gel automatically reforms.

i wonder if they have a mint for "after dick" too :P

ahhh RAYRAY LAM!! :))

its about whats INSIDE not OUTSIDE :)

Wow. This is truly a very inspiring picture, in my opinion. It encompasses everything that we are trying to say about beauty.

No matter what you look like on the outside (above ground), it’s about what’s inside that counts (under the soil). Those people in magazines and on television flaunt their bodies and so we feel as though, compared to them, we aren’t great at all. But that’s the thing, we don’t even know them! We have no idea who they are as a person. We know ourselves though, and we know that we try to be good people, and that’s all that counts!

Always believe that you are unique, and beautiful.

how i spend my christmas..

so...ALOT of you guys have been asking me, "HOW WAS YOUR CHRISTMAS?" :) .. well i can say that its pretty, DEPRESSING lol, the most BORING christmas i've ever spend, ahhh may be the last one too!!! since 2012 is coming up :/ well yea, my Christmas was NOT what i wanted, i didnt get any presents from anyone, well christmas eve was kinda good to me LOL so heres my story:

i thought i was having the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!! with stomach cramps and MY phone wasnt working propertly!! so i was on bed the whole day, NOT feeling well!! and i was like oh gawd could this day get any worst!!?!? LIKE NO ONE ASKED ME OUT OR ANYTHING!! so then my dad fixed my phone and stuff, and thank god it works!!! :D so i was like okayy this day is getting better i think...then i got a text :) it was from KAISER!! a friend who i havent hang out with or talked to ever since high school...i was REALLY happy, so he asked if i wanna hang out, so i went out to watch ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNK with him hehehe it was so cute and all and he paid, AND I DIDNT NOT KNOW IT WAS JUST ME AND HIM!!! o.O i thought it would be awkward and all...but IT WASNT :)) i actually talked to him alot and laughed alot :) hehe ohh the old feelings came back, and i could NOT stop smiling :) well then i went home and thought about it, and i backed out. but ANYWAYS that was my christmas eve, i did not know im going to spend it with him :D hehe.

Christmas day:
so christmas day, i got alot of texts from friends saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" well merry christmas to you too :D and thanks for those of you who sent me text :) it really warms my heart!! and well...the day was okay, went out to eat lunch with cousins, then my mom had to go to work, and my dad is tired so he took a nap, and my sister is being herself like any other days PLAYING maplestory. So i'm all alone at home, COOKING instant noodle myself and watching Santa Claus 1,2, and 3....its what i do EVERY Christmas :) so yup i was all alone, and yes that was my Christmas. and it wasnt what i planned to be or planned to be doing. :/


strangers again?

Dear Josh,
I don't hate you, but after i've given you so many chances and you still hurt me continuously, i don't know what i should do. You tell me then. I always have to go things your way to make you happy, but can't you sacrafice a LITTLE?!!? and let me say something? it really hurts...how the way you treated me when i have given you all my love. i really never LOVED anyone as much as i loved you. I don't wanna be "strangers again", no matter how much you hurt me, i don't know why i still feel an urge to not give up on you and believed that you will change...will you? i really don't know, you tell me then. Can we shake hands and be friends?


so it is finally the day we've all been waiting for, [winter break] YAYY!! i REALLY hope i pass my eng and anatomy class cuz i do not wanna waste my time taking it again, this semester had been really hard to me. I keep seeing people dropping everyday in my class, but i still stick to it and stay strong, cuz giving up isnt my thing. i hope i made the right choice :)
and for this winter break, i doubt i'm gonna get any class, so i will need to work!!! i DESPERATELY need a job! i really wanna work so badly, so i don't have to be bored at home, and i really want to get experiences. so i hope i find one :) wish me luck, ima go job hunting hehe



okay, i'm really trying to make it WORK!! i text you everyday not worrying about you not text back and stuff. but when you do, you totally ignored my text and change into a whole new subject and you only ask me question. is this going back to the way it is? really? REALLY NOW?..
i only give you "good morning/good night" text and YOU cant even say ONE SINGLE GOOD MORNING OR GOOD NIGHT BACK? really? WOW THATS REALLY RUDE!! its not hard at all either =___= mah goodness. i dont even know why i havent give up. i'm really stupid and naive.