
how i spend my christmas..

so...ALOT of you guys have been asking me, "HOW WAS YOUR CHRISTMAS?" :) .. well i can say that its pretty, DEPRESSING lol, the most BORING christmas i've ever spend, ahhh may be the last one too!!! since 2012 is coming up :/ well yea, my Christmas was NOT what i wanted, i didnt get any presents from anyone, well christmas eve was kinda good to me LOL so heres my story:

i thought i was having the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!! with stomach cramps and MY phone wasnt working propertly!! so i was on bed the whole day, NOT feeling well!! and i was like oh gawd could this day get any worst!!?!? LIKE NO ONE ASKED ME OUT OR ANYTHING!! so then my dad fixed my phone and stuff, and thank god it works!!! :D so i was like okayy this day is getting better i think...then i got a text :) it was from KAISER!! a friend who i havent hang out with or talked to ever since high school...i was REALLY happy, so he asked if i wanna hang out, so i went out to watch ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNK with him hehehe it was so cute and all and he paid, AND I DIDNT NOT KNOW IT WAS JUST ME AND HIM!!! o.O i thought it would be awkward and all...but IT WASNT :)) i actually talked to him alot and laughed alot :) hehe ohh the old feelings came back, and i could NOT stop smiling :) well then i went home and thought about it, and i backed out. but ANYWAYS that was my christmas eve, i did not know im going to spend it with him :D hehe.

Christmas day:
so christmas day, i got alot of texts from friends saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" well merry christmas to you too :D and thanks for those of you who sent me text :) it really warms my heart!! and well...the day was okay, went out to eat lunch with cousins, then my mom had to go to work, and my dad is tired so he took a nap, and my sister is being herself like any other days PLAYING maplestory. So i'm all alone at home, COOKING instant noodle myself and watching Santa Claus 1,2, and 3....its what i do EVERY Christmas :) so yup i was all alone, and yes that was my Christmas. and it wasnt what i planned to be or planned to be doing. :/

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