

I am absolutely in love with Danbo ♥♥


Yes, it is true that i always want to be with you, forever and always.

-i miss texting you, and you havent text me for a long time too.


-got bored of me
-got another girl
-just dont wanna talk to me cuz you're "tired"
-busy (but who gets busy for the whole freakin week?)

-i miss your face
-i miss your voice
-i miss everything about you
please come back to me "andy"
and talk to me and play with me like you used to.



Is it true that good things happen to those who wait? If it is, then I'm waiting! :]


Got bored?..

So i realized you havent talk to me that much lately. Got bored of me?...i thought you said you won't leave me or get bored of me. T.T now it really hurts. I really hope you'll come back and talk to me like before. I really miss you.


How could you not play with your "cute teddybear" andy?

Your teddybear misses you "andy"

Being in the closet collecting dust.

"Andy" you're a bad toy loving owner now, you haven't play with your toy for a long long time and its now pushed back in the closet collecting dust and waiting for you to play with her. (thanks ben for the idea :])
I really hope you're not playing with "pokemon", a teddybear is cuter than a pokemon!! ...(maybe?)
And even if you're tired, at least tell me why, i tried talking to you and asking you why, and all you do its just say "i'm just tired..." ohkay, yes i know you're tired. But tired from what?? i have the right to know!!...(i think?) well i'm just trying to help you, and you made me sound like a bitch for saying "fine, then i dont think you want to talk then?" ...does THAT even sound bitchy? i'm just caring for you. and all you give me its just "wow ok, bye" ....ohkay you know what "andy". I'm really ..no cross that out, i'm SUPER annoyed by you now, and i'm tired of thinking what you want all the time, and it bothers me when you dont tell me, it even bother me when i'm SLEEPING! gosh! i don't even ...wait no, i NEVER have any "break time" from you. You made me think of you 24/7!! even in class too!! and wherever i go.
So now, i decided to take a break from you. and will only talk to you if you talk to me.
if you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you,
its meant to be yours



chase your dream

What is my dream trying to tell me?

I keep having scary dreams about you, are you trying to tell me something? Every time i wake up from my dream, i feel like crying...whats up? Are you not telling me something? I dont want you haunting my dream every night!! I seriously cant sleep, and i'm not even kidding.


My mood: Crying

I do not know why you made it so easy for me to cry :[.
depend on what YOU said and how you reply my IM or text can make me feel super sad and i'll cry.
my table is wet because of my tears. i hope those little people have an umbrella haha. T.T sorry
i don't know what to tell my friends. i know my close friend will say "i told you so karen! dont fall too deep" and my super close friend will say "what did he do, lemme talk to him" , and some of you will just say "aw, what happend" ...i can predict what all of you are gonna say. and i know i promised you guys that i can handle this my own and i will take care of it. sorry i should've listened. But i hope it will be ohkay later...like the sky will always clear after it rain, right? so now i'm just gonna wait for that to happen.


DO NOT go around saying sorry

SORRY is not a word that you can just go around saying it carelessly, if you say it too much, it won't mean anything. Its just like your "energy" or "life bar" whatever you called it...the one where you play games like if you lost all your energy or life, you lose, or its game over...you know what i mean? HAHA so yea..saying sorry is just like that, when you say it once you lose a little bit of your "life" in that "life bar", they way to gain it back is for someone else to say sorry back to you :]

......do you get it? hahahahaha T.T if you don't then i feel stupid for explaining it HAHAHA!!


Love or Lust?

Well we will all meet our "special" person in our lives. And we all talks about how much we love them. Is it really love? or is it lust?

We never know!! And yes, you will say "i love you" to the person who you're currently with or want to be with because you think they're the one, or maybe you will just casually say it to your friends or best friends, or even close friends, and family. But that love isn't the same meaning as the one you say it to your boyfriend/girlfriend.

But we're only teenagers, how are we SO sure about that its love. What really is the true meaning of love? We all have our own definition of love. Our visions are clouded with perfection and our thoughts are hazed. Do we really want to make the mistake saying that they're the one and giving everything we have JUST to make that person happy and later face the devastating heart break? I dont think anyone would want that. So becareful of who you're choosing to be with.

another story:
Unfortunately "andy" sent me and text saying don't text me this whole week OR reply this text. because he'll be in trouble. Then he IMed me on msn saying "did you get my text?" and i said yea not to text you this whole week. why? then he told me that they cant text or call anyone thats not important -__- like friends, gf stuff like that..but they only can call/text parents, school, work. ...YEA..gf? not important? friends are important too!! -_- well yea i get those things, then AFTER that day, YOU texted me at 3am! sorry i know i told you to call if needed...but YOU'RE using your PHONE!! omgahh!! i dont want you to be in trouble and get hurt you silly boy! so i didnt text back because i was scared, then in the morning i asked why you texted me, you told me not to, and you still TEXTED ME! and he's like "because i really needed you last night, and i didnt care if i'll get in trouble" ..reading that made me happy, I'm NOT even kidding. Yes it really did made me happy, but YOU STILL cant not care about yourself!! :[ silly boy!! sighh then you told me the lamest thing ever "i can delete it" -_- WOW! yes, deleting..why cant you do that earlier!! i couldve texted you!!! sighh. but oh well you still made me happy, but the thing is...is this love? or lust? just the word "i needed you" or "i want you so bad now" it makes me think its lust. T.T i wonder if people say i lust you.

But then again. The feelings i have toward him. Is it love? or lust?
If its REALLY love then you will want him to be part of your life, like he's the one you want to marry no matter what your parents think of him, you will still be by his side, right?
well i hope thats the right answer, but what if he doesn't think that way? then I'll have to go through that devastating heartbreak again?...been there.done that. many times, I don't want my heart to break again.

i hope you'll treat me right
and will love me forever
just like how I'll love you forever
love you :]


first day

GOOD WAY TO START SCHOOL! at 1pm! hahaha late . i know haha and one hour class too! :] just loving it!
First day back to school! And i'm DUHHROPING that class! :]
and now i only have school from tues, wed, and thurs! from 10:30 to 1:10!! ugh 3 hours class again! what will i eat!? hope i can sneak some food in there :] hehehe and make not crunchy noise HAHAHA! :]

hope every had a fun first day back! :]


back to college!

winter break ends here. now back to school! :[

it's funny how during the break everyone complains "i'm bored, wanna go back to school"

and now when school is starting..we're all saying "i don't wanna go back!"

anyways...i hope i'll meet new friends, since i dont have any classes with my friends :[ sad hahaha.

i thought this was cute :]

hehe this is so cute!



I really do not get it why when i tell the truth you get mad at me. I'm not trying to make you sad or anything, i just want to let you know. You need to know how i feel right? you can't just leave me alone and not care about my feelings right? Yes, I know i told you the most hurtful, painful word ever, I just said "I'm tired of thinking what you want, so why not just tell me when you want to" ...I just want you to be happy!! And these few days, I don't even know how to talk to you anymore, I don't know what to say, and when you text me first, all I think was to be JUST what YOU did. Answer/reply text in one or two words. "nothing" "yes" "no" "why" "i guess"...and i HATE those words SO MUCH! and whenever you say those, it's like a knife that stabs right through my heart. So all i did was what YOU did, just to tell you and to show you how i feel when you say that. Then i got a reply back from you saying "I'm not gonna talk to you or want to talk to you if you're gonna be like that" ..........you know "andy", ouch... yes that hurts EVEN more than a knife stabbing through my heart! And all i did was to cry myself to sleep last night. I just want to know why I'm taking all the blames and have to be the one to say "sorry" all the time. Now that i say it SO many times, i don't think it means anything to me anymore. I've said it so much that i say it everyday to you! And all you did was to say "Its ok" ..no. that's not ok. But guess what, I don't mind taking all the blames, as long as you can talk to me the whole day without getting mad at me, and I just want you to be happy.

Even though i take all the blames, I trust you'll be good
keep your words "andy"
you'll take care of me


forever missing you!!

Sorry, i realized you still havent text me at all today. Was it because of what i said yesterday? All i did was to just be honest with you. I didnt wanna say it in the first place, but you made me so mad that i had to say it, you just leave me no choice but to say it. After i typed it, i thought for a while too, i was like should i send it or not, but i send it anyways cuz i thought you should see how i feel and i shouldnt hide it from you. I hope i didnt scared you or anything :\ i didnt mean to scared you or yell at you. sorry, i guess i lost control over myself. And i'm not mad at you anymore..so i hope you're not too scared to text me. Sorryy!! and i miss you!! :[



GREAT DAY! hehehe thanks hunnybaby! :]] love you!!


T.T what am i doing? i know this isnt fair for me but i'm still doing it and telling him its ohkay!? LOL
loving a guy who LOVES you but not sure if he "TRUELY" love you its complicated.

and even if you treat me as your toy..have you watch toy story?...toys have feelings too, they can cry, they can laugh.. but oh well i'm sure you'll be a good "andy" that will take care of your toy :] love you "andy". take good care of your toy :] or it will forever be gone. but even though if you forever leave me. you will forever be in my heart :D


NEW blog!

Hehe so i decided to create a new blog~~ yep new beginning, new blog!! just to forget all the bad memories and leave them all behind and start making new happy memories, so hope you all start following this instead of the old ones haha :D