
Being in the closet collecting dust.

"Andy" you're a bad toy loving owner now, you haven't play with your toy for a long long time and its now pushed back in the closet collecting dust and waiting for you to play with her. (thanks ben for the idea :])
I really hope you're not playing with "pokemon", a teddybear is cuter than a pokemon!! ...(maybe?)
And even if you're tired, at least tell me why, i tried talking to you and asking you why, and all you do its just say "i'm just tired..." ohkay, yes i know you're tired. But tired from what?? i have the right to know!!...(i think?) well i'm just trying to help you, and you made me sound like a bitch for saying "fine, then i dont think you want to talk then?" ...does THAT even sound bitchy? i'm just caring for you. and all you give me its just "wow ok, bye" ....ohkay you know what "andy". I'm really ..no cross that out, i'm SUPER annoyed by you now, and i'm tired of thinking what you want all the time, and it bothers me when you dont tell me, it even bother me when i'm SLEEPING! gosh! i don't even ...wait no, i NEVER have any "break time" from you. You made me think of you 24/7!! even in class too!! and wherever i go.
So now, i decided to take a break from you. and will only talk to you if you talk to me.
if you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you,
its meant to be yours

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