
Love or Lust?

Well we will all meet our "special" person in our lives. And we all talks about how much we love them. Is it really love? or is it lust?

We never know!! And yes, you will say "i love you" to the person who you're currently with or want to be with because you think they're the one, or maybe you will just casually say it to your friends or best friends, or even close friends, and family. But that love isn't the same meaning as the one you say it to your boyfriend/girlfriend.

But we're only teenagers, how are we SO sure about that its love. What really is the true meaning of love? We all have our own definition of love. Our visions are clouded with perfection and our thoughts are hazed. Do we really want to make the mistake saying that they're the one and giving everything we have JUST to make that person happy and later face the devastating heart break? I dont think anyone would want that. So becareful of who you're choosing to be with.

another story:
Unfortunately "andy" sent me and text saying don't text me this whole week OR reply this text. because he'll be in trouble. Then he IMed me on msn saying "did you get my text?" and i said yea not to text you this whole week. why? then he told me that they cant text or call anyone thats not important -__- like friends, gf stuff like that..but they only can call/text parents, school, work. ...YEA..gf? not important? friends are important too!! -_- well yea i get those things, then AFTER that day, YOU texted me at 3am! sorry i know i told you to call if needed...but YOU'RE using your PHONE!! omgahh!! i dont want you to be in trouble and get hurt you silly boy! so i didnt text back because i was scared, then in the morning i asked why you texted me, you told me not to, and you still TEXTED ME! and he's like "because i really needed you last night, and i didnt care if i'll get in trouble" ..reading that made me happy, I'm NOT even kidding. Yes it really did made me happy, but YOU STILL cant not care about yourself!! :[ silly boy!! sighh then you told me the lamest thing ever "i can delete it" -_- WOW! yes, deleting..why cant you do that earlier!! i couldve texted you!!! sighh. but oh well you still made me happy, but the thing is...is this love? or lust? just the word "i needed you" or "i want you so bad now" it makes me think its lust. T.T i wonder if people say i lust you.

But then again. The feelings i have toward him. Is it love? or lust?
If its REALLY love then you will want him to be part of your life, like he's the one you want to marry no matter what your parents think of him, you will still be by his side, right?
well i hope thats the right answer, but what if he doesn't think that way? then I'll have to go through that devastating heartbreak again?...been there.done that. many times, I don't want my heart to break again.

i hope you'll treat me right
and will love me forever
just like how I'll love you forever
love you :]

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