

I really do not get it why when i tell the truth you get mad at me. I'm not trying to make you sad or anything, i just want to let you know. You need to know how i feel right? you can't just leave me alone and not care about my feelings right? Yes, I know i told you the most hurtful, painful word ever, I just said "I'm tired of thinking what you want, so why not just tell me when you want to" ...I just want you to be happy!! And these few days, I don't even know how to talk to you anymore, I don't know what to say, and when you text me first, all I think was to be JUST what YOU did. Answer/reply text in one or two words. "nothing" "yes" "no" "why" "i guess"...and i HATE those words SO MUCH! and whenever you say those, it's like a knife that stabs right through my heart. So all i did was what YOU did, just to tell you and to show you how i feel when you say that. Then i got a reply back from you saying "I'm not gonna talk to you or want to talk to you if you're gonna be like that" ..........you know "andy", ouch... yes that hurts EVEN more than a knife stabbing through my heart! And all i did was to cry myself to sleep last night. I just want to know why I'm taking all the blames and have to be the one to say "sorry" all the time. Now that i say it SO many times, i don't think it means anything to me anymore. I've said it so much that i say it everyday to you! And all you did was to say "Its ok" ..no. that's not ok. But guess what, I don't mind taking all the blames, as long as you can talk to me the whole day without getting mad at me, and I just want you to be happy.

Even though i take all the blames, I trust you'll be good
keep your words "andy"
you'll take care of me

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