
What makes me happy :]

Do you guys ever think about the meaning of holding hands? It's usually the first steps of relationships,..maybe before asking each other to be your gf/bf. Think about it this way, i know we all did this, when we were a little girl/boy in elementary, we usually tell the boy that we like them, and if they like you back you'll be like holding hands with them, right?

And when you hold hands with someone, its like telling them "I like you, I trust you, I'd like to show everyone that you mean something to me". A small gesture with big meaning, and a small gesture that can also make you happy when you're sad. When you're having a bad day or feels sad, he grabs your hand and interlaces their fingers w/ your fingers, and everything to you suddenly feels ohkay. Its just like holding hands warms your whole body up with joy. I know some of you might not think holding hands is a BIG DEAL, but it is to me, it makes me happy, and it just suddenly brightened up my day, and if you CAN'T do this simple gesture, then just forget it. I guess i dont mean that much to you.

I'm not saying you dont do it, I know you do it, its just sometimes you don't...or maybe you forgot?


leaving me?

What I REALLY hate...last night you just made me SO happy, it's like the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, and it made me realized that I did the right choice to give you a second chance, cause you're really treating me BETTER than before.

but then after that you told me you're gonna have to move far far away from here...VICTORVILLE!? where the heck is that?!!? after you told me you're gonna move there, because thats the only place where you can stay, cause you cant stand your parents from being so messed up, seriously...if your parents are my parents, i wouldnt be able to stand it for SO LONG like you, i would move out in the first place, but YOU'RE MOVING SO FAR AWAY!!! what about me?...so you're just gonna leave me? I felt so sad when you told me that, my mood just went down and i didnt want to talk to you again. Why do you have to do this?? made me like you even MORE now and you're gonna probably have to MOVE out to a far far place? From that moment, i wish i can tell you, move in with me, i really want to...but i dont know what my parents will say...do i really have to go through this heartbreak moment again? after I've been through so many times? I thought you're suppose to fall in love 3 times and the 4th one will be the one. You're the 4th one i fell in love with. I thought this heartbreak moment would end and happiness will start from you, i guess i'm wrong. :[

No matter what, Don't say goodbye to me...


My job, whats yours?

My job is to make you happy everyday, when you're not happy it hurts me, and i feel like i'm useless and there is nothing i can do to help you. When you said you're tired, i wanted to go all the way to your house and give you a massage on your neck or on your shoulder, when you said you dont want to go out, i'm willing to hang out with you at your house, when you said you're sick, i want to spend the night at your house taking care of you until you feel better. BUT will you do those for me!?? but just a simplest thing that you can do for me will make me super happy, like saying "i love you" to me will make me happy, well you did said it before but not everyday -_-. And that day when i told you to come and take me out to eat cause i'm hungry and my parents aren't home, it surprised me and really made me SUPER happy when you said you're willing to come, even when i said its a waste of gas and you said its not a waste of gas cause i'm going to see you. :] when you say that, it just brightened up my day ALOT! and i hope you can keep saying it :P haha but you dont always do that -___- you're still "always" busy lol. Hmm, i hope you have enough sleep o.O cuz you always text me at 4am at night! wtf? what are you doing up that late!? is that the only time you can talk to me!? T.T omg!! go to sleep :/ it makes me worry!! i mean i'm happy that you text me to tell me you're home, but dude at 4 am!? where the heck did you go? just dont tell me you party every night until 4 am >:[



Do you believe in fate?
Do you believe fate brings people together? like they're meant to be?
I know i do. I believe in 緣份



HEHE happy valentines day guys! :]]
i'm so excited!! YAYY!! spending valentines with him :]


i don't like math! this is why!

this made me sad!!!

Is that all?

Is this all you can say? "are you ok?" ....
NO SHIT of course I am NOT "ohkay" NOT just "ohkay", i am mad! you think you can come running back to me, cuz you know i still like you? but yes i do still like you...very much :/ even if you constantly keep hurting me...and i told you before i dont like guys playing with me, and yet you said don't worry, i'm not those kind of guys who plays with people's heart ...are you sure?? cuz i think your "playing" with me now, you only want to talk to me when you really want to. i can tell that you know? cuz you tend to text and call me if i dont answer your IM cuz i'm away. You dont usually do that, and when i just talk to you first, you only answer me with one or two words. and i feel like you dont wanna talk and i feel like you're trying to push me away with one or two words. i KNOW you know that i dont like you doing that. why do you still do it? and yes i do it too, only when i'm mad, or super super busy. but not "busy" like you when you still have time for pokemon? and not his GIRLFRIEND? o.O
and also when i answer you with one word like you DID to me, you're like if you're going to be like this i'm not talking to you. WOW REALLY??!?!!? oh my effing goshh!!! so only YOU can do that and I CANT?...dude this is so unfair you know?
Or maybe i can give you a chance to change? :]


For you.

Can you answer this? I really want to know how you truly feels


Friends, what does it really means?

As people always say "Boyfriends/Girlfriends come and go, but Friends will always stay" ...is that true? friends always stay by your side?...I think you're all missing a little thing after that sentence

Boyfriends/Girlfriends come and go, but Friends will always stay (the real ones)

yep, you guys are missing "the real ones" after that sentence

thats why no wonder, as we go on from our life in high school we meet new friends, and old ones are slowly fading away..

And even if you call those friends from high school are your "best friend"/"true friend"..

are they REALLY?

if they are, then even if you guys fight or got in an argument, and you guys are not talking to each other again...

is that really what you call "best friend"..

all this "so-call" best friend can really hurt you

if they are really your "best friend", you would still find a way to forgive each other and start talking to each other again :]

if they're not, then why waste your time on worrying about your "so-called" best friend?


and you could've taken that time to find your REAL, TRUE FRIENDS




HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! LOL oops i'm one day late, but oh well its still chinese new year! :] just the second day of chinese new year hehe.


Music is my ♥

love music
music is my life ♥

music is my heart ♥
i love guys who can sing ♥
LOVE guys who writes songs for me and sing to me♥

singing everyday ♥
singing in shower ♥
singing randomly in class ♥
singing in the car ♥

write songs ♥
make a cover ♥




sooo its februrary, (did i spell that right?) LOL!!! also known as...LOVERS MONTH! OR SINGLE AWARENESS MONTH! :] hehe sooo any single peeps out there :] good luck hahaha!!!