
leaving me?

What I REALLY hate...last night you just made me SO happy, it's like the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, and it made me realized that I did the right choice to give you a second chance, cause you're really treating me BETTER than before.

but then after that you told me you're gonna have to move far far away from here...VICTORVILLE!? where the heck is that?!!? after you told me you're gonna move there, because thats the only place where you can stay, cause you cant stand your parents from being so messed up, seriously...if your parents are my parents, i wouldnt be able to stand it for SO LONG like you, i would move out in the first place, but YOU'RE MOVING SO FAR AWAY!!! what about me?...so you're just gonna leave me? I felt so sad when you told me that, my mood just went down and i didnt want to talk to you again. Why do you have to do this?? made me like you even MORE now and you're gonna probably have to MOVE out to a far far place? From that moment, i wish i can tell you, move in with me, i really want to...but i dont know what my parents will say...do i really have to go through this heartbreak moment again? after I've been through so many times? I thought you're suppose to fall in love 3 times and the 4th one will be the one. You're the 4th one i fell in love with. I thought this heartbreak moment would end and happiness will start from you, i guess i'm wrong. :[

No matter what, Don't say goodbye to me...

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