
What makes me happy :]

Do you guys ever think about the meaning of holding hands? It's usually the first steps of relationships,..maybe before asking each other to be your gf/bf. Think about it this way, i know we all did this, when we were a little girl/boy in elementary, we usually tell the boy that we like them, and if they like you back you'll be like holding hands with them, right?

And when you hold hands with someone, its like telling them "I like you, I trust you, I'd like to show everyone that you mean something to me". A small gesture with big meaning, and a small gesture that can also make you happy when you're sad. When you're having a bad day or feels sad, he grabs your hand and interlaces their fingers w/ your fingers, and everything to you suddenly feels ohkay. Its just like holding hands warms your whole body up with joy. I know some of you might not think holding hands is a BIG DEAL, but it is to me, it makes me happy, and it just suddenly brightened up my day, and if you CAN'T do this simple gesture, then just forget it. I guess i dont mean that much to you.

I'm not saying you dont do it, I know you do it, its just sometimes you don't...or maybe you forgot?

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